Lewis Downing was one of the original members of our church and was perhaps most well known as a manufacturer of the highly popular “Concord Coach.” He was a respected member of our community in the 19th century and the Concord Monitor stated upon his retirement in 1864:

“Mr. Downing, Senior, retires from business, after active participation in it for nearly 52 years, and we think we express the general sentiment of the community when we say that during that time, his integrity having never been questioned, he is entitled to be called Concord’s best benefactor.”

Mr. Downing, through his last will and testament, established a trust “for the support of Liberal Christianity, as taught by the late Dr. Channing, for the support of preaching in Concord.”

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Concord NH is very happy to administer the annual distribution from the Lewis Downing Trust. It is a wonderful example of a legacy gift by a congregation member that lives far beyond his time