2024-25 Board of Trustees

Our Elected Leaders

Our Board of Trustees consists of six elected members who serve four-year terms.  Additionally, we elect, annually, a Moderator, Clerk, two Assistant Treasurers, and a Custodian of Trust Funds.


Current Bylaws (Google Doc)

Governance Policies (Google Doc)

Meeting Minutes

Select Operations Policies

Policy Governance

The Board operates under Policy-Based Governance, a governance system for nonprofits that guides action with broad statements of intention rather than reactive micro-management. Policy-Based Governance separates goals and vision (Ends) from all other organizational matters (Means). It allows the Board to focus on policies instead of routine decision-making.

While the Board focuses on Ends, the church staff focuses on the Means. The staff are entrusted to interpret the policies reasonably, perform their roles with professionalism, and put plans and activities in motion to achieve the desired outcomes. The Board monitors the church’s adherence to policies through a policy monitoring schedule.

Policy Governance establishes clear lines of authority and encourages communication, while entrusting people with the freedom to do their jobs creatively and effectively. Disentangling the board from day-to-day management issues allows the board freedom to do more “big picture” thinking and to act as leaders of the church as opposed to managers — a benefit not just to the board but to the staff and the congregation as a whole.

Many UU churches around the country, as well as the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and our Northern New England District, also operate under this model.