Mission (Our Purpose)

Connecting in Love & Service
Growing Spiritually
Transforming Ourselves & the World


Ends (Our Goals)

Our church acts under a system of policy governance and has adopted the following Ends:

  1. Our congregants create and experience authentic connection.
  2. Congregants give and receive care and support in times of joy, sorrow, and transition.
  3. We have a broad circle of effective leaders who have the resources to complete their work in service to our mission.
  4. Our congregation benefits from the exchange of wisdom across diverse life stages and experiences.
  5. Our rich and diverse worship and religious life nurtures, challenges and inspires us to daily practice of our values, lifelong learning, and transformation.
  6. We are grounded in our Unitarian Universalist faith tradition and pass those values to the next generation.
  7. We are visible leaders in the greater Concord area as we live our Unitarian Universalist values.
  8. Our outreach ministries have a noticeable impact in the larger community.
  9. We are full and active participants in the work of both the Greater Concord Faith Community and the larger Unitarian Universalist community
  10. We work to recognize, understand, and dismantle systems of bias, oppression, and privilege within ourselves, our congregation, our community, and the larger world.


Last updated April 2022