Author: Rev. Michael Leuchtenberger

Cultivating Resilience

As Lucy Hone put it in her 2019 TEDTalk: “Resilient people get that ‘sh*t’ happens.”  She had been studying resilience for over a decade, was familiar with the research, yet found it woefully inadequate when forced to find her own resilience in the aftermath of a car accident that killed her 12-year-old daughter.  During the … Continue reading Cultivating Resilience

The Future is Electric

I love The Energy Gang.  Though motivated by the perils of climate change, it is the podcast that most consistently leaves me hopeful and upbeat about the future.  This digest on energy, cleantech and the environment tackles topics as diverse as climate-focused venture capital, the clash of gas bans in buildings, and stopping the “money … Continue reading The Future is Electric

Our Sacred Space

We had been walking for about two hours, leaving the town of Dilijan behind, heading into the surrounding woods, when we saw the ancient stones marking the entrance.  We were standing before the Matosavank monastery, built in 1247.  “Let’s go inside,” I nudged Daniel, my son, who had brought me to this place. It was … Continue reading Our Sacred Space