This has been an exciting year so far for faith development opportunities for people of every age and stage! Christina Oliva and her volunteer helpers create a warm welcome for our youngest in the nursery, while the children’s Sunday School classes are introducing them to the symbols, values, and history of Unitarian Universalism. The new high school class offered by Carin P, Althea B, and Jeff F is giving our teens a chance to both talk about and act on their commitment to racial justice with a curriculum they chose called “Be The Change” (not to be confused with the Be The Change club at Concord High School, that some of our youth also belong to!). And faith development is not limited to Sunday mornings! The youth group has great energy and higher attendance than we’ve seen in several years, and had their first field trip to the Concord Homeless Resource Center this month. Our Coming of Age program will have had its first overnight immersion learning experience by the time this article goes to print, helping our youth make the transition from children’s Sunday School to a more mature belonging to the overall life of the congregation.
Because adults still like to learn too, we are working to offer more Sunday School classes for the over-18 set. On November 5, 12, and 19, Linda W. will offer a three-session exploration of the Spirituality of Reggae during Adult Sunday School, 9:30-10:15 am. Reggae music is about more than just partying. There is a deep spirituality in the words of the songs– themes with Old Testament references, liberation theology, calls for racial harmony, and a sense of connectedness to all of life. Come hear some great music and Linda will do some interpreting, drawing connections to the Seven Principles affirmed in Unitarian Universalism.
And of course there are many opportunities for adults to think, learn about, and act on things that matter to them beyond Sunday morning classes and worship services. Throughout the week there are covenant groups, service projects, support groups, book groups, and opportunities for contemplative practices. Approached with a beginner’s mind and a holy curiosity, you can deepen your faith even as you help with some of the more task-oriented ways of serving our congregation – making coffee, entering data, or cleaning up the grounds can be irritating drudgery or a loving expression of gratitude for this community, depending on how you frame the story of what you are doing!
See you at church – and don’t keep us a secret! Bring a friend who might want what you’ve got! As one of my favorite readings in our hymnal (by George Odell) ends, “all our lives we are in need, and others are in need of us.”