Family Promise

Family Promise is a national program. Its mission is to help homeless families achieve sustainable independence through a community based response. Our local Interfaith Hospitality Network consist of several area churches that make up Family Promise of Greater Concord. Members of the Concord Unitarian Universalist Church host homeless families at the church one week at a time, three to four weeks a year. Members of the church provide meals and overnight hospitality. During the day families have access to a Day Center where they can get help finding housing, jobs and other resources that they need.

Friendly Kitchen

On the first Wednesday of every month volunteers from Concord UU prepare and serve a meal at the Friendly Kitchen, Concord’s only soup kitchen..

Concord Coalition to End Homelessness

We partner actively with the Concord Coalition to End Homelessness and the Rev. Michael Leuchtenberger is the Immediate Past Chair of Board of Directors.

Please contact the office for who is running each program or visit our calendar for the upcoming meetings or events. 

Recent Posts About Homelessness Outreach
