Become a Member
Register now for the class starting January 22, 2025: Exploring Membership Registration Form
Why become a member of the UU Church?
Formal membership is a public commitment that this community is important to you and your spiritual development. It means you acknowledge your willingness to help others in their lives and spiritual and intellectual growth, and acceptance of a diversity of lifestyles and beliefs without judgment.
How do I become a member?
Membership becomes formal upon signing the membership book. Most prospective members require some time before making that commitment, attending Sunday services for at least a few months and going through a new-member program called “Exploring Membership.”
Exploring Membership groups are offered twice a year and consist of 2 hours in each of four sessions. The first two sessions are offered a week or two apart, and the third and fourth a few weeks later. Except for extenuating circumstances, which may be discussed with Rev. Michael Leuchtenberger, you must attend all four sessions in order to become a member.
The groups provide a chance to examine your history and spiritual journey that brought you to the UU Church and to hear the stories of others in the group. You will also learn about Unitarian Universalism in general and the way that it is expressed in our particular congregation, as well as the rights, benefits, and responsibilities of membership. During the spaces between sessions you’ll be encouraged to explore the opportunities available to you at church, get to know us, better, and settle more comfortably into church life.
What are the requirements of membership?
Membership comes with the expectation that you will, as you are able, participate regularly in worship services, join in on the congregation’s groups, classes and workshops, provide service to others through community and congregational service programs, and provide financial support within your ability through a stewardship pledge.
It does not imply belief in any particular religious doctrine. Members come from all faiths and beliefs and choose to form a community that offers acceptance of all, recognizing the worth and dignity of every person and respect for our community and natural environment.
Members are often on their own spiritual journey and are welcome to share their experiences and beliefs with others through a variety of opportunities, both formal and informal. By sharing personal understandings and knowledge, members have developed a community of acceptance and wisdom that helps all lead a more spiritual life.
UU churches are run by democratic process. As a member, you will have the opportunity to elect our leadership and vote on major issues that come before the congregation, including selection of our minister. The Church is largely funded through the stewardship pledges of its members.
How do I get started?
You are welcome to attend any Sunday Service to become familiar with our church and meet its members through our “Coffee & Conversation” time (1st, 4th, 5th Sundays) or “Second Hour” offerings (2nd, 3rd Sundays) just after the services. Ask for a name tag so we will have a chance to greet you by name and offer you some information that may help you decide if this is the right choice for you. Feel free to direct questions to other members or our greeters at the Membership table as you enter our parlor. In addition, on the first Sunday of the month, our Membership Team offers a Newcomers Corner in Fellowship Hall after the service to answer any questions. If you just want to sit through a Sunday program (or several) to gain an impression first, that is also encouraged and welcomed.
For more information about membership or how to be engaged with our church, contact our Director of Membership & Administration, Lea Smith at
To add your name to a notification list for the next Exploring Membership Group, contact Lorraine Ellis at