Covenant Groups
What Is a Covenant Group?
Covenant Groups are circles of 10-12 people who gather monthly to explore their values, their experiences, and their questions as they relate to a monthly topic. Meetings last between 90 minutes and two hours. Many of our groups explore the monthly worship theme in their meetings.
Participants are encouraged to make this a high-priority commitment of at least one year. Each group develops its own covenant, or set of promises, that they make to one another. Many groups designate one person as the regular facilitator and some share that responsibility among their members.
Groups are encouraged to work together on at least one service project each year.
Why join a Covenant Group?
Regular monthly participation allows members to develop trust, mutual respect, and deep connection while supporting your own spiritual discernment. Each group develops its own covenant, or set of promises, that they make to one another. Many groups designate one person as the regular facilitator and some share that responsibility among their members. Groups are encouraged to work together on at least one service project each year.
What would we talk about?
Click here to see a sample Topic Sheet with the flow of a typical meeting.
How do I join?
If you have questions or would like to know more, please email
If you are ready to make a one-year commitment, please register here and we will do our best to find a group that fits your schedule.