Speaker: Rev. Denise Tracy

The Rev Ms Denise D Tracy was ordained in 1974. She has had ministries on campus ( Hartford, Ct), in the parish Greater Lansing, Mi), UUA Staff (Central Midwest District), Consultant, (Alban Institute) and Interim (South Bend, Cincinnati, San Mateo). She is retired and serves as a Police Chaplain for the Kane County Sheriff’s Office in Illinois.

Proud Protestations of Faith: The Life and Faith of Oscar Hammerstein II

One of the greatest American lyricists, Oscar Hammerstein was a lifelong Unitarian Universalist. Once you know this about him, his lyrics communicate our faith to the world from the stages of Broadway, London and beyond. Rev Tracy was the 8th woman employed in Ministry in the 1970’s wave of feminism. She has had ministries on … Continue reading Proud Protestations of Faith: The Life and Faith of Oscar Hammerstein II

The Theology of the Wizard of Oz

Every one of us has a story about the Wizard of Oz.  What can we learn about our own faith as we study this magical story? Please join us in the sanctuary face to face, or connect with us online for our live-streaming at 10 a.m. on Sundays concorduu.org/live.

Be the One

Online Only When you’ve lost confidence, who has nourished you? Who held out a hand and helped you find yourself? Who have you found hurting and helped? This service is a meditation on this theological journey of helping one another.

Beloved Community

How do we recognize the type of world we wish to leave our children and grandchildren? What are the elements of beloved community?