Join us in-person or at

Our monthly Taize services are on the first Sunday of every month (October through April), and we would love to have you join us online or in-person for an hour of meditative singing, a brief reading, a period of extended silence, and candle lights.

Contemplative music will welcome you in the Sanctuary and online by 6:50 pm and the service will begin at 7 pm. Online you can find the service live streamed at

In addition, all are welcome to the meditative experience of walking the Labyrinth. Join us in Fellowship Hall before or after the Taizé service. The Labyrinth will open at 6pm.

Our Taizé Service strives to be a contemplative and spiritual experience for anyone seeking inner peace and a loving, compassionate heart.  As one participant put it:  “A time of beauty and peace for body and spirit.”