Facilities Manager, Kathie MartinKathie Martin, our beloved Facility Manager, is retiring!

She has been a hard-working and compassionate member of our team for 21 years.  Please offer your tributes, thank-yous, and good-byes here.  They will be collected and printed for Kathie to keep.

In honor of 21 years of service, we also want to give Kathie a retirement bonus equal to 21 weeks of pay, to help her land comfortably in retirement.  This is $12,864, with $10,000 of it coming from the general fund.  We are asking the congregation to contribute the rest.  If the congregation gives an extraordinary amount, the bonus might even increase.

This page will be open until June 28, for your messages and gifts.

Your message to Kathie:


If you are able to contribute to Kathie’s retirement bonus, please use the secure form below.  You can also mail checks payable to UU Church, memo:  Retirement,  by June 28.  Thank you!