Welcome Visitors chalice in the church parlorThe church has a large parking lot, which is usually adequate for Sunday morning service. If, however, you find that it’s full, you may park next door at Concord Orthopaedics, and walk to the church on the path behind the building.

Although you are welcome to enter directly into the sanctuary (the octagonal structure at the end of the church building), most people come in through the double doors near the large parking lot. You may hang up your coat at the coat rack, and proceed down the hall to the parlor.

Just before the church parlor you will be greeted at the visitor’s table. The greeters will answer questions regarding the service, religious education, child care, building amenities and church activities, and can provide you with brochures and information regarding Unitarian-Universalism if you would like. You will be invited to fill out and wear a name tag, and to complete a visitor’s form if you wish to be placed on the church mailing list.

Proceed down the hallway and turn left after the chapel. Enter the sanctuary through the double doors. An usher will greet you at the doors and give you an order of service describing the service for that Sunday. You may seat yourself in the sanctuary or ask the usher to assist you in finding a seat.

Nursery care is available for infants and younger children. Teens and older children join the adults in the sanctuary for the worship service.

The Service
The service begins with a welcoming message and announcements by the worship associate. The service continues with:

  • music
  • lighting of the chalice
  • readings
  • hymns
  • a children’s story (children are invited to the front of the sanctuary if they wish to go)
  • sharing of joys and sorrows by those who feel moved to speak, or to light a candle in silence
  • spoken prayer or meditation
  • moment of silent prayer, meditation or reflection
  • singing by the choir
  • sermon
  • the collection of an offering, which is usually donated to a local or national charitable organization or relief agency.

At the end of the service, we link hands and sing a short song celebrating our shared feelings of community.

On occasion, services may include

  • celebration of a particular religious tradition or holiday
  • a guest speaker or minister
  • a special musical or dramatic presentation
  • a dedication ceremony for babies or children
  • a joining ceremony for new members

Services may be quite varied and we invite visitors to attend a few services to gain a fuller impression of the rich diversity of our faith community.

After the Service
On the second and third Sundays of the month, you are invited to attend any of the “Second Hour Learning, Service and Practice” offerings of the week, then a community lunch at 12:30.

On the other Sundays, we have social time in Fellowship Hall, located across from the church office, with coffee, refreshments and conversation. Visitors are invited to use a yellow mug to identify themselves so that members may make a special effort to meet and get to know them, to share impressions and experiences, and to welcome them to a church that supports each person’s unique spiritual journey.

You should also feel welcome to stop by the visitor’s table near the Parlor to ask any questions you may have and to obtain additional information regarding our church.  On the first Sundays of the month, we also offer a Newcomers Corner in Fellowship Hall during social time.

What to Wear
Most members dress casually but neatly, while others prefer to dress up. You may wear whatever seems comfortable for you.

