Activism Grounded in Faith

Unitarian Universalists have a long history of activism for social and political justice. Our congregation reflects this commitment through many collective ministries – our new Green Sanctuary efforts, the Friendly Kitchen meals, hosting Family Promise, and UUs for Refugees and individual activism. We also have individuals whose work and community service contribute to improving our world. Come hear church members Jim Schlosser, Cathy Menard and Betsy Black share reflections about how their faith informs their activism.

2 Responses to “Activism Grounded in Faith

  1. Would the UU Church ever offer or keep a list of community resources that would be skills helpful to the above initiatives such as mediation skills, communication skills that create rapport through unconditional positive regard, networking etc.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      As a matter of fact, the Concord UU has extensive offerings on meditation and mindfulness. See our page at:

      We are also very cognizant of how communication styles can affect relationships, and work hard to support non-violent communication and reflective listening. And if needed, we have a conflict resolution tool called Restorative Circles that we can use to support healthy relationships among congregants.

      Thanks for visiting!

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