If you have never pledged to Concord UU, please read below before filling out the Pledge Form.

Thank you for considering a pledge to Unitarian Universalist Church of Concord NH. We appreciate your generous support of our faith community.

Voting members are required to make and contribute to a pledge, of any amount, in order to maintain their memberships. (Unless they have requested and received a waiver.)

We are also blessed by many friends* who make a monetary pledge to support the church.

FYI: The average pledge per individual is about $1100/year. That’s $2200 for a couple.
The cost per member to “run the church” is $1900/year.  That’s $3800 for a couple.

Our fiscal year (and also our “pledge year”) runs from August 1 to July 31 every year.  We have an annual stewardship campaign in March or April of each year, to determine the pledges for the upcoming fiscal year, and to then create an operating budget for the year.

Once you make your pledge, we will consider this an on-going commitment from year to year, until you tell us otherwise.  You may make, change, increase, decrease, or discontinue your pledge at any time, using the same pledge form.

You will receive quarterly pledge statements by email, and a tax statement in January.

It’s a two-part process:

  1. Fill out this confidential Online Pledge Form, or ask for a paper pledge card in the church office.
  2. Set up your preferred payment method.  You can send checks manually, use your own bank’s bill payment service or set up a monthly payment on online Pledge Payment page.

Thank you again!

*Friends are individuals who have not signed the Membership Book, but make an annual pledge and/or participate regularly in worship, groups, classes or other events at Concord UU.