Topic: Equanimity

Divided No More: Bringing Together Soul and Role

Sometimes we find our everyday lives separated from our innermost being. The passion and zeal or earlier times can grow stale and alien. The prospect of being “divided no more” is something we all can work toward, generating both energy and tranquility.

The War Prayer

Mark Twain’s scathing indictment of war, and particularly of blind patriotic and religious fervor as motivations for war, was written in 1905 yet remained unpublished until 1923, 13 years after his death.  Twain’s explanation:  “I have told the whole truth in that, and only dead men can tell the truth in this world. It can … Continue reading The War Prayer

Keep Calm, Get Fired Up

The prophetic voice is essential to our Unitarian Universalist understanding of religion.  Naming the injustices of the world, organizing to confront them, and staying committed until love and justice prevail are what we are proud to point to in our UU history and it is what deeply engages UUs across the country today.  How do … Continue reading Keep Calm, Get Fired Up