Speaker: Rev. Michael Leuchtenberger

Rev. Leuchtenberger is our senior minister. Read more.

The Presence of God in All

How do we encounter the presence of the divine, of mystery, of God?  What does that experience feel like in meditation, in prayer, in our everyday activities?  How does centering love relate to our understanding of grace, faith, hope, joy, the mystery, God?

Being Present to Difference

As Unitarian Universalists we readily proclaim our commitment to valuing diversity, to accepting people with varied beliefs and backgrounds.  We see ourselves as welcoming people from a broad range of life experiences and as affirming diverse expressions of lifestyles.  Yet many of us struggle right now to be present to difference, to respect difference, and … Continue reading Being Present to Difference

Showing Up

Rabbi Sharon Brous, in her book “The Amen Effect,” makes the simple yet compelling case for our need to “show up for the celebration, and to show up for the funeral.  And to err on the side of presence.”  Grieving alone is no better than celebrating alone.  There is power and necessity in showing up … Continue reading Showing Up

Finding Bandaids

Sometimes the scope of repair needed to mend what is broken feels overwhelming and out of reach.  Sometimes repair may need to focus on small steps, on finding the bandaid that allows us to keep functioning – despite the wound, despite the uncertainty about what healing might be possible – as a person, as a … Continue reading Finding Bandaids

Fresh Start

On this post-election Sunday, we strive to be a sanctuary for all seeking a welcoming and inclusive community.  Come and engage the joys and sorrows of this moment as the choir invites us to find and practice peace while holding on to courage for whatever journey lies ahead.  What repair will be needed in our … Continue reading Fresh Start

Counting Judgments

What happens when we feel judged – by friends or family, by strangers online or in person, by opponents, competitors, or the gremlins in our own minds?  What happens when we don’t feel judged, when we are in low judgment spaces?  What if we took seriously becoming aware of the nature and frequency of our … Continue reading Counting Judgments

Deeply Listening Within

An “Enter in Silence” Sunday | Becoming aware is fundamental to our ability to be intentional about our choices, our relationships, our understanding of existence.  The practice of “deeply listening within” to the physical sensations that are present – prior to any thoughts formed by our minds – can be an essential part of growing … Continue reading Deeply Listening Within