Join us for a brand new church year September 9


10 am Worship Service & Water Communion
11:15 am Membership Fair
11:45 am Fall Picnic

Our Membership Fair will offer a glimpse into the many opportunities the church offers for learning, service, alternative worship, and more. Learn what “Second Hour” is. Find out about family friendly programs like Movie Nights. Consider if a Covenant Group or Choir might be just the thing to help you connect more deeply with the congregation. Explore the “Healing and Helping” support groups we offer. And more! Displays will be set up in the parlor immediately after the service.

The picnic will start as the Membership Fair winds down.


Sunday Mornings

Introducing a new Sunday morning schedule, designed to provide more opportunities for learning, service, and practice, for all ages.
This is the general pattern September through June.

See online calendar for exceptions (especially for September, as the church year launches mid-month)

1st Sundays

9:15 to 9:45am: Choir Warmup
9:15 to 9:50 am: Children’s Choir
10 to 11:15am: Worship Service (childcare available)
11:15am to 12pm: Social Hour Coffee, Cookies, and Conversation
11:30am to 12:30pm: Children’s Faith Development Classes
11:30am to 12:30pm: Drop-In Covenant Group

2nd & 3rd Sundays

9:15 to 9:45am: Choir Warmup
10 to 11:15 am: Worship Service (childcare available)
11:30am – 12:30pm: “Second Hour” Adult Learning, Service, & Practice
11:30am – 12:30pm: Children’s Faith Development Classes
12:30 – 1 pm: Community Lunch

4th & 5th Sundays

9:15 to 9:45am: Choir Warmup
10 to 11:15am: Worship Service (childcare available)
11:15am to 12pm: Social Hour Coffee, Cookies, and Conversation