Our mission statement says our congregation exists for three reasons:
Connecting in love, growing spiritually, transforming ourselves and the world. As Spring begins to peek out from under the gritty, grimy remnants of snow, our worship theme for April will be Sacred Earth.
I have heard from so many of you, and have experienced myself, the deep connection with something holy that can be felt in nature. A few days ago, way back in mid-March, I stepped out the church door to head home for the night, and I could smell Spring in the air – the smell of snowmelt and warming earth. Farmers have started seeds in anticipation of the outdoor growing season, sap is running, and birds are beginning to stake their claims in the treetops.
Growth is everywhere around us, if we but pay attention.
How might spring support your own spiritual growth?
How well do you pay attention?
Our younger children have already painted clay pots to receive soil and seeds in anticipation of the growing season. In his book, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, Unitarian Universalist minister Robert Fulghum’s 14th lesson was: “Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the Styrofoam cup? The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.” It’s a great reminder, as we adults get caught up in the ordinary dramas of living, to be aware of wonder. To notice the growth around us and within us. As our community takes a deliberate look at our relationship to Sacred Earth, I encourage us to wonder together – to share our observations and our questions and our awe with the children and with one another. I have an extra chair in my office if you want to pop in and share with me!
Happy Ostara, Happy Passover, Happy Easter, Happy Spring!