2017-18 Faith Development Programs

Sunday School Classes – Orientation Sept. 17, First Class Sept. 24!

We are excited to be expanding our offerings for all ages on Sunday mornings before church this year! From 9:30-10:15 am, we will have faith development classes and activities for everyone, providing an opportunity for us to deepen our understanding and practice of our faith. Come on Sunday, September 17 for an orientation and meet-the-teachers morning (for children and youth). Classes will begin formally on September 24.
Please REGISTER your child/children before September 17!

Nursery Room

Children ages 6 weeks through 4 years old are welcome to join our new Nursery Care Provider, Christina Oliva, and her helpers for loving care and playtime, during church school and worship.

Four to Six-Year-Olds

Janet K. and Hannah M. will be leading “Chalice Children” to help our youngest learn our core values through play and structured activities.

Six to Nine-Year-Olds

Sonya K. and Jennifer R. are teaming up once again; this year they will be leading “Faithful Journeys,” a curriculum that introduces Unitarians and Universalists throughout the centuries and explores how they lived our principles in their lives, as well as exploring what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist for each of them today.

Nine to 12-year-olds

Heather J., Betsy P., and Julia P. are returning as our fabulous teaching team for older elementary age children. They will be leading “Windows and Mirrors” and “Travel in Time,” allowing students to explore their own ideas, beliefs, and commitments, alongside those of other Unitarians, Universalists, and U.U.s across history.

Thirteen to 17-year-olds

Carin P.  will be offering an exciting new opportunity for our teenagers. “YUU in the World” will explore relevant and important spiritual themes based upon the expressed interests of the students in the class and what they would like to dive in to. Time spent together will be used to explore personal and Unitarian Universalist spirituality, to discuss social themes within the context of the Unitarian Universalist principles, and in building connection to the church and broader community through relationships and service. This is in addition to, not in place of, our Coming of Age and Youth Group programs.

Coming of Age

For our 8th and 9th graders, we are offering a series of overnights and a Passport Program to explore what it means to grow into adulthood as a Unitarian Universalist. At our overnights, we will touch on the history of Unitarian Universalism, the spiritual practices that sustain us as individuals and connect us in community, and what it means to live out our principles in daily life. Participants will select an adult mentor in the congregation to support them as they develop their own credo statements. Participants will each have a Passport on which they can collect stamps by participating in various aspects of congregational life. We will also have a lot of fun together! Rev. Michael Leuchtenberger, Rev. Lyn Marshall, Anne M., and Jeff F. will be facilitators for this group.

Youth Group

High schoolers and 8th graders who have completed the Our Whole Lives program are encouraged to join us Friday nights from 7:00-8:30 pm for community, youth-led worship, and service projects. We are in the early stages of planning a mission trip to Nicaragua in February 2018, and will be inviting youth to collaborate on planning and fundraising for this cross-cultural experience. Rev. Lyn Marshall, Rev. Michael Leuchtenberger, and Karen C. are our Youth Group facilitators.

Sunday School for Adults, 9:30-10:15 am

This year we will be offering both the music track (Choir and Ukulele Group) and weekly classes on various aspects of Unitarian Universalism – from spiritual practice to Unitarian Universalist history to personal theology. If you have an idea for a one-time or short series of classes, please contact Rev. Lyn Marshall to see how it might fit into our schedule! Our first class will be on Sept. 24; watch your eBulletin for the description as we have not yet confirmed the teacher.

Other Faith Development Opportunities

In addition to our Sunday School program, there are many ways for everyone to deepen their connections and their spiritual lives throughout the week. Check the Contemplative Practices group for many ways to start or continue a practice, try the First Sunday drop-in Covenant Group if you’re not already part of one of these small group ministries, and keep an eye on the calendar for book discussion groups, support groups, additional worship opportunities beyond Sunday mornings, and social events that deepen our connections to one another. If there are things you WISH were available at our church that don’t exist yet, please talk to our Minister of Lifespan Faith Development, Rev. Lyn Marshall, or a member of the Lifespan Faith Development committee.