Topic: Resilience

Of Civics and Civility

Online Only As we reflect on another year of our country’s existence, what can we truly do to honor and celebrate the best of America’s principles? I suggest that this cannot simply be another year, where we mark the passing of time, with fireworks and frivolity; instead, I will offer some of my perspective on … Continue reading Of Civics and Civility

Toward Resilience – Lessons from Rwanda

Click for Online Service The Rwandan genocide of 1994 sent shock waves around the world and left the Rwandan population emotionally traumatized and physically devasted.  A quarter century later, Rwanda serves as a model of how national trauma can be transformed, step by step, into a journey of healing and hope.  Whitney Howarth will share … Continue reading Toward Resilience – Lessons from Rwanda

Plugged in to Hope

Albert Schweitzer reminds us that “at times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person.” Hope is the lifeline to what comes next, it is “the argument that refutes death, the genius that invents the future” in the words of poet Lisel Mueller. Yet hope is neither guaranteed nor … Continue reading Plugged in to Hope

Coming Back to Life

When tragedy hits, when trauma numbs our senses, when we are hurting inside and out, how do we hang in there?  How do we come back to life?  Come hear stories of people reclaiming life when hope was hard to justify, stories of resilience in the face of adversity, stories of strength and courage growing … Continue reading Coming Back to Life